ETF: Inclusion of disabled persons in the workforce is pivotal to building resilient economies

January 13, 2025
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With countries worldwide facing unprecedented challenges linked to demographic shifts and aging populations, achieving economic prosperity increasingly depends on the active participation of all working-age people. Yet, one group remains significantly underrepresented in the labour market: persons with disabilities. Addressing this gap is not only a matter of fairness, but also an economic imperative, as inclusive labour markets are essential to fostering a supply of diverse, dynamic, and equipped workforce. To discuss these challenges and opportunities, the European Training Foundation (ETF) and the European Commission’s DG NEAR recently hosted a multi-country workshop focused on practical ways in which to increase the employment of persons with disabilities. Bringing together representatives from countries supported by the Commission’s TAIEX technical support instrument, the event was a chance to discuss policies and progress and share the initial results of the ETF’s first-ever disability mapping exercise. 


As part of the Commission’s Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2021-2030, a flagship package aims to improve labour market outcomes for persons with disabilities. This package includes comprehensive guidelines and toolkits designed to address every stage of the recruitment and employment process. Key elements include tailored support from PES networks, career guidance, company hiring guidelines, and examples of reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities in the workplace. By showcasing best practices, the package and its guidelines encourage countries to learn from one another and avoid duplicating efforts, resulting in hopefully greater inclusion rates across the EU and beyond.  Looking ahead, 11 member states have implemented quantitative targets that aim to drive improvements in labour market outcomes for persons with disabilities. These targets aim to either increase the percentage of workers with disabilities or close the employment gap between disabled and non-disabled individuals.  Monitoring and evaluation will be of the utmost importance, and time will tell if such targets are ambitious enough.


Recognising that the rapidly changing world of work presents challenges for EU neighbouring countries that are both similar to and distinct from those faced by EU member states, the ETF—celebrating 30 years of supporting education and labour market reforms across the EU neighbouring regions—has launched a research programme to explore priorities and initiatives aimed at labour market (re)integration and skills development for persons with disabilities. Manuela Prina, former ETF’s Head of Skills Identification and Development Unit explained,  “It is the first time that the ETF has conducted an in-depth study on the inclusion of people with disabilities in the world of work, and this will ensure focused support of our partners across the EU’s neigbouring regions in line with European priorities.” The second phase of the project, set to begin in 2025, will expand to include five additional countries, with at least one from the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean region. This region has been significantly affected by crises, instability, and conflict, leading to an increasing number of barriers for  persons with disabilities to overcome.


Countries covered:

  • Algeria
  • Egypt
  • Israel
  • Jordan
  • Lebanon
  • Libya
  • Morocco
  • Palestine *
  • Syria *
  • Tunisia