The EU-funded HELIOS and the Blue Generation projects have decided to collaborate to exchange knowledge and best practices.
The nature of the collaborative actions includes a close cooperation between the two projects in order to identify information, competencies and soft skills on the new and emerging professions and potential training requirements in the Blue Economy sectors.
The networks (T-Vet, SMEs, Local Authorities) created by the two projects during their implementation will also be shared.
In addition, the Blue Generation Project Job Portal and Helios e-learning platform will be put in communication to promote their visibility against young people and women interested to discover Blue Economy opportunities.
The objective of the Blue Generation Project is to inspire and engage young people between 15 and 29 years to pursue a sustainable career in one of the following Blue Economy sectors: coastal tourism, aquaculture, ocean energy, marine biotechnology, shipbuilding, maritime transport and fisheries.
HELIOS – enHancing thE sociaL Inclusion Of neetS – focuses on the Blue and Circular Economy (BaCE), identified as an economic sector with great potential for regenerative economic growth among NEETs (Not in Education, Employment, or Training). The project will provide curricula for innovative targeted and tailored skills training courses oriented towards specific needs of the BaCE labour market and the needs of NEETs, based on direct interaction with local enterprises. This will be achieved through soft skills coaching and mentoring actions, as well as the creation of e-learning tools and methodologies supported by new technologies to facilitate skills learning for NEETs and women.
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