EU helps Libyan authorities combat corruption and money laundering

April 8, 2021
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As Libya is entering a new political phase, reinforcing transparency and strengthening accountability are among the key elements of a stable democratic path. The European Union is supporting this process through training of Libyan authorities on combating corruption and money-laundering. 19 participants from the judiciary, law enforcement and the financial sector benefited recently from an EU-financed workshop implemented by UNODC.

The training focused on investigation and prosecution of corruption cases as well as the skills required to trace, seize and confiscate assets related to high-profile corruption cases.

This workshop is part of a three year-project entitled “Building Libya’s National Capacity to prevent and combat corruption and money laundering”, launched in September 2020. It is financed by the EU, and implemented by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI).


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Countries covered:

  • Libya
Human Rights