EU Jeel Connectors Empower Youth and Foster Connections in Morocco!

September 5, 2024
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In Morocco, EU Jeel Connectors are bridging the gap between youth and the European Union, creating dynamic opportunities for growth and collaboration.

El Ghali Ouali Alami and Lina Hammoumi led the way with their “MEET THE LEADER” and “WORLD CAFE” initiatives, kicking off in Marrakech, Fez, and Casablanca. These events focus on empowering entrepreneurial ecosystems, offering a platform for discussion, networking, and sharing opportunities between hosts and entrepreneurs.

Meanwhile, Hamza El Kharroubi launched his initiative, “Connect to your stakeholders: EU programmes,” in Tetouan. Designed to bring together active citizens who may lack access to opportunities, this event introduced participants to EU-funded programmes, providing them with tools and knowledge to approach stakeholders and empowering civil society organisations (CSOs) and activists to connect with the EU.

Let’s congratulate them for their wonderful efforts!

Countries covered:

  • Morocco