EU Neighbourhood Barometer: 2012-2014 opinion polls all available online

December 9, 2015
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You can now have access to all the opinion polls published by the EU Neighbourhood Barometer, tracing the evolution of public opinion across the EU’s neighbourhood region – south and east – over the three years from 2012-2014.
The reports can be found on the EU Neighbourhood Info Centre’s EU Neighbourhood Library.
The twice-yearly surveys cover both general issues – life satisfaction, perceptions of the economy and satisfaction with the way democracy works in each country – and perceptions of the EU and how respondents see their country’s relations with it.
In addition to the general surveys, the Neighbourhood Barometer also published a series of ad hoc surveys on culture, media, employment and civil society.
For each survey, you can find both general reports highlighting trends in each region – East and South – and individual country fact sheets.
The EU Neighbourhood Barometer was funded by the EU as part of the project, “ENPI Regional Communication Programme 2011-2014: opinion polling and media monitoring”. (EU Neighbourhood Info)
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EU Neighbourhood Info Centre – Library