EU pledges €2.12 billion in support of the future of Syria and the region, during Brussels Eight Conference

May 28, 2024
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At the 8th edition of the Brussels Conference on ‘Supporting the future of Syria and the region’, the EU pledged €2.12 billion for 2024 and 2025. This assistance will support both Syrians inside Syria and those in neighbouring countries, as well as their host communities in Türkiye, Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq.


The Ministerial meeting which brought together delegates from EU Member States, Syria’s neighbouring countries, other partner countries and donors, and international organisations, including the UN, reiterated the need for a political process in Syria in line with United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 2254, and the necessity to mobilise vital financial support to address the most pressing needs of Syrians people and their host communities.


The EU reconfirmed the pledge it made at the 2023 Brussels VII Conference for 2024 (€560 million) for the population inside Syria, as well as for Syrian refugees and vulnerable host communities in Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq. The EU also pledged an additional €560 million for 2025 for the above-mentioned countries. Moreover, the EU pledged €1 billion to support Syrian refugees and vulnerable host communities in Türkiye. Finally, the EU signalled that the pledges for 2025 constitute a part of the larger financial package until 2027, in line with the European Council Conclusions of 1 February and 18 April 2024.


The EU will continue to mobilise all the tools at its disposal to support the Syrian people in reaching a negotiated political solution in line with UN Security Council Resolution 2254, and create the conditions for a brighter future for all Syrians.

Countries covered:

  • Syria *