EU project holds Master Class for young entrepreneurs from Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt

May 2, 2016
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The EU-funded Euromed Invest project organised a Master Class for young entrepreneurs from the Mashreq region working in the tourism sector on 19-20 April 2016.
The training presented a unique opportunity for five entrepreneurs from Lebanon, five from Jordan and 12 from Egypt to increase their knowledge in the on-line and off-line promotion of tourist products and destinations.
The aim of the EUROMED Invest project is to boost private business and investment within the Euro-Mediterranean region to contribute to an inclusive economic development. The project activities aim to empower Euro-Med business and investment networks to implement targeted strategies in support of SME development in specific sectors: agri-food, water and alternative energies, tourism, transport and logistics, cultural and creative industries. (EU Neighbourhood Info)
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Countries covered:

  • Egypt
  • Jordan
  • Lebanon