On 10 April, Prime Minister Dr. Mohammad Ishtayyeh, the Consul General of France, the EU Representative, and the AFD (Agence Française de Développement) Country Director together with the Head of the Palestinian Water Authority, Hebron Governor and representatives of the local community laid the corner stone for the Hebron Regional Waste Water Treatment Plant in Hebron. At completion, the plant will serve around 400,000 people living in Hebron City and along Wadi As-Samen in Hebron Governorate and will pave the way to treated water reuse for agricultural purpose.
The €55 million project is co-financed by the EU, AFD, the World Bank, the Palestinian Authority and Hebron Municipality. The project consists of Wastewater Treatment Infrastructure with a capacity to treat 22,500 cubic meters daily. The project will entail capacity building for sustainable management, operation and maintenance of Hebron Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant, and support project management, monitoring, evaluation, and studies.
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The Office of the European Union Representative (West Bank and Gaza Strip, UNRWA)