EUROMED Invest to hold Masterclass for Maghreb diaspora entrepreneurs
June 27, 2016
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The EU-funded EUROMED Invest project is organising a masterclass for entrepreneurs of Algerian, Moroccan and Tunisian diaspora living in Europe willing to invest in their home country.
The masterclass ‘DisporaLab’, to be held on 11-12 July in Marseille, France, will allow young entrepreneurs to start their project and to prepare the launching of their business activities. It will be an opportunity for networking, reinforcing their leadership capabilities and taking their ideas for a market reality and local business environment check.
About 15 experts from Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia and France will be available (consultants, financial experts, Chambers of Commerce and Industry, coaches and mentors…) for Doing Business workshops and BtoB meetings. Project holders will also benefit from some coaching sessions to develop their ideas.
The aim of the EUROMED Invest project is to boost private business and investment within the Euro-Mediterranean region to contribute to an inclusive economic development. The project activities aim to empower Euro-Med business and investment networks to implement targeted strategies in support of SME development in specific sectors: agri-food, water and alternative energies, tourism, transport and logistics, cultural and creative industries. (EU Neighbourhood Info)