From the 16th to the 18th of October 2018 took place in Malta the EuroMed Justice Training of Trainers (ToT) activity dedicated to international judicial cooperation in criminal matters, organized in close collaboration with the International Institute for Justice and the Rule of Law (IIJ).
The Malta ToT activity represents an important step in the transition process from the analytical phase, embodied notably by the CrimEx docs, towards the development of the South Partner Countries (SPC) capacities in judicial cooperation in criminal matters.
The participants, trainers from the South Partner Countries (SPCs) in cross-border cooperation in criminal matters, were from the judicial schools of Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Jordan, Palestine and Egypt, with representatives from the Euro-Arab Judicial Training Network (EAJTN), the Council of Europe’s Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals Programme (HELP), the International Association of Prosecutors (IAP), and the Siracusa International Institute for Criminal Justice and Human Rights.
The ultimate objective of the seminar is two-fold: 1) SPCs Judicial Schools will introduce modules of international cooperation in criminal matters in their curricula; and 2) the EU Judicial Schools and the EJTN will train judges and prosecutors taking into account the unique analytical content of the CrimEx Docs and the EuroMed Manual on Digital Evidence.
EuroMed Justice (2016-2018) is an EU-funded Project which aims to contribute to the development of a Euro-Mediterranean area of cooperation in the field of justice and to the development of effective, efficient and democratic justice systems which protect and promote human rights.
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