The European Union, Austria and Spain provide €14.5 million for vulnerable Palestinian families, a vital support in times of the corona crisis

April 14, 2020
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The European Union Representative Sven Kühn von Burgsdorff and the Palestinian Minister of Social Development Ahmad Majdalani met on Tuesday 14 April, in Ramallah and discussed the joint work particularly during the Covid-19 crisis.

Minister Majdalni thanked the EU, Austria, and Spain for their contribution to the Palestinian Authority’s payment of social allowances to vulnerable families in the West Bank and Gaza Strip in April. The European Union has contributed €12.5 million, and Austria and Spain €1 million each to this payment that will benefit around 114,000 vulnerable Palestinian families.

The EU supports the Palestinian Authority‘s (PA) Ministry of Social Development and its Cash Transfer Programme, which is responsible for the provision of basic social protection to the most vulnerable families in the West Bank and Gaza. The social allowances are paid on a quarterly basis to some 105,000 vulnerable families.

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Press release

Countries covered:

  • Palestine *