Fe3il.a: Regional Conference: “The path to local governance for and with young people”

October 10, 2024
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Sbeitla, 8 October 2024 – The first regional conference “The path to local governance for and with young people” was successfully held in Sbeitla, bringing together around 40 participants, including representatives of the municipalities of the Kasserine Governorate, the Chrayaa Machrek Shams Youth Forum, local associations and the media.


The goal of this event was to increase youth participation in local governance and the creation of public policies by creating a platform and a forum in Chrayaa Machrek Shams in integrate young people in the decision-making process.


During the conference, the carrying out of the platforms was presented and a round table discussion was held on how to make these initiatives a lasting success, thus guaranteeing the pivotal role played by young people in decision-making.


The conference also showcased inspiring testimonials from members of the Chrayaa Machrek Shams Youth Forum, who expressed their enthusiasm to participate in local affairs.


Fe3il.a firmly believes that young people are the driving force for change, and is striving to ensure their presence in the heart of public policies. 


Follow the next regional conferences held in the Fe3il.a project’s partner governorates.

Read in: Français

Countries covered:

  • Tunisia