FEMISE Conference looks at cooperation prospects and tensions in relations between multilateral institutions and Mediterranean countries
July 18, 2016
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The EU-funded Euro-Mediterranean Forum of Economic Institutes (FEMISE) supported the organisation of a conference on “Relationships between multilateral institutions and the nation states of the Mediterranean basin” at the University of Toulon, France last month.
The Conference, which sought to discuss the spaces for cooperation and sources of tensions in the context of Euro-Med relations, saw the participation of representatives of the EU and the EIB on themes such as the European Neighbourhood Policy and the need to redefine a regional vision.
FEMISE is an EU-funded project, which aims to contribute to the reinforcement of dialogue on economic and financial issues in the Euro-Mediterranean partnership, within the framework of the European Neighbourhood Policy and the Union for the Mediterranean. More specifically, it seeks to improve understanding of the priority stakes in the economic and social spheres, and their repercussions on the Mediterranean partners in the framework of their implementation of EU Association Agreements and Action Plans. (EU Neighbourhood Info)