For the first time the Inter-Agency Career Guidance Working Group, of which the ETF is a member together with the ILO, OECD, the World Bank, UNESCO, the European Commission and Cedefop, is organising the Global Careers Month, which will run from 8 November to 13 December 2022.
A promotion of events throughout this period in partnership with national, regional and global associations operating around career development for both young people and adults will raise awareness of high-quality, innovative solutions to support learners, counsellors, institutions and countries to implement effective career guidance and development systems.
As highlighted in a recent report prepared by six international organisations Investing in Career Guidance, career guidance brings many benefits including more positive attitudes towards school, better access to decent work, higher wages, and benefits for business especially small enterprises
Global Careers Month will conclude with an on-line closing ceremony on 13 December.