GIMED partners gathered together last 23 June 2021 in a virtual meeting to analyse, evaluate and monitor current status of activities, financial situation of the project, the subgranting regime and few communication milestones
In the first part each partner shared the current status of the ideation and early stage support activities, where entrepreneurs are being selected for capacity building training sessions and coaching support. In total, 794 applications have been received so far. 138 entrepreneurs and 24 early stage ventures have been already trained in Lebanon, Egypt, Tunisia, Palestine and Italy.
Along the sessions, entrepreneurs have learnt how to develop their business model through the Green Business Model (GBM) methodology developed by SCP/RAC. In the implementation of the activities, the consortia is looking to create sectorial cross border working groups to promote synergies between entrepreneurs in the regions.
Launched under the ENI-CBC Med Programme, EU-funded GIMED’s main goal is to support entrepreneurs, particularly young and women, to better access to finance and markets in 5 Mediterranean countries: Spain, Lebanon, Palestine, Tunisia, Egypt and Italy. On the ground, the project will train and coach eco-innovators and encourage financiers to invest in the Mediterranean eco-innovation sector.
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