All over the world, Capacity4dev community members are strengthening connections between Europe and partner countries, developing effective solutions for universal mobility.
As a platform promoting innovation, Capacity4dev has interviewed the team that stands behind the Buffalo Bicycle(link is external), one of the fastest growing programmes showcased during the 2022 Global Gateway-themed European Development Days and implemented by the German development agency (GIZ).
As the world’s leading development institution, the EU champions initiatives that address the mobility factor, an essential component in any successful development project, and one for which the EU has provided adaptable strategies for diverse contexts.
To date, 44 cities from EU and non-EU countries have formed a thematic network on urban and regional social cohesion, with a core focus on accelerating mobility and transport with the support of the International Urban and Regional Cooperation Programme (IURC)(link is external) for 2021-2024.
Through the new European Urban Mobility Framework adopted in 2021, the EU is committed to sustaining international cooperation in the areas of social and equal inclusiveness.