Joint press statement on the occasion of the 14th meeting of the EU-Tunisia Association Council

May 28, 2018
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The 14th meeting of the EU-Tunisia Association Council was held in Brussels on 15 May 2018. It was co-chaired by Federica Mogherini, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the Commission, and Khémaies Jhinaoui, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tunisia. Johannes Hahn, European Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, also took part in the meeting.

On this occasion, we welcome President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker’s forthcoming visit to Tunisia on 23 and 24 July 2018, in response to the invitation extended to him by the President of the Republic of Tunisia. Moreover, the EU’s announcement of additional funding for 2018, in the form of grants amounting once again to up to €300 million, shows how important this privileged partnership is to the EU.

The EU welcomes the success of the municipal elections held in Tunisia on 6 May 2018, and undertakes to support Tunisia in completing the establishment of local democracy and the process of decentralisation as an important driver of regional development. In addition to the ongoing programmes, we will work on strengthening the capacities of newly created municipalities and on regional development. Additional funding will be allocated to this aspect of cooperation.

The Tunisian Minister for Foreign Affairs reiterated Tunisia’s thanks for the EU’s support for the democratic transition as well as for its support in achieving the economic reforms.


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Countries covered:

  • Tunisia