Jordan: Independent Election Commission and partners hold mock elections with EU support

September 21, 2020
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Within the framework of cooperation between the Independent Election Commission (IEC) and the electoral process partners to develop and enhance public awareness ahead of the 19th parliamentary elections, a mock election was held in Amman on 19 September in cooperation with Hayat Centre-RASED, and with the support of the European Union and the Spanish Agency for International Development (AECID).

The mock election, held under the EU and Spanish-funded EU-JDID – Qararuna project, provided a hands-on experience for around 600 young women and men from the capital, who cast their votes, while learning about the importance of their participation in political life.

“The EU strongly supports the development of democratic institutions in Jordan and looks to help strengthen Jordanians’ participation in the political and public life of the country,” stated the EU Ambassador to Jordan, H.E. Maria Hadjitheodosiou. “Today’s mock elections is a good way to see how the electoral process will work, an opportunity to raise people’s awareness about the elections but also for the IEC to fine-tune their organisation.”

EU-JDID – Qararuna project “Support to Civil Society for Democratic Governance” aims to foster the development of active Civil Society Organisations, in the promotion of active political participation, advocacy, electoral observation, and parliamentary monitoring, with a focus on women and youth. The project amounts to €4 million and is jointly funded by the EU (€2million) and the Spanish Cooperation (€2million). The Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) is implementing it.


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Press release

EU Delegation to Jordan – website and Facebook page

Countries covered:

  • Jordan