Launch of the International Partnership Morocco-European Union: “Support for the House of Representatives of the Kingdom of Morocco”

October 11, 2022
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The House of Representatives hosted the launch ceremony of a new International Partnership Morocco-European Union to support the House of Representative of the Kingdom of Morocco, which is working to improve the institution’s ability to fulfil its constitutional role.

To mark the occasion, the EU Ambassador to Morocco, Patricia Llombart Cussac, observed that “the EU’s presence at the highest level of the country’s parliamentary representation demonstrates our shared ambition to strengthen democratic values. The fundamental importance our parliaments attach to democratic governance is what motivates this key partnership and what unites us, particularly given the central role they have in writing laws, holding the executive branch to account and representing citizens. ”

Seven parliamentary assemblies of European Union Member States are involved in this new programme of support for the Parliament of Morocco by the European Union. The project is led by a consortium made up of the senior partner, the French National Assembly, and junior partners, the Czech Chamber of Deputies and the Belgium House of Representatives, with the support of the Chambers of four other Member States: Italy, Greece, Hungary and Portugal. For a period of 24 months, over 70 experts from the partner chambers will contribute their knowledge and reflect the full diversity of parliamentary practices.

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Countries covered:

  • Morocco
Human Rights