Launch of “Intaliq By GCME”, the digital platform dedicated to Moroccan entrepreneurs

February 9, 2022
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The General Confederation of Moroccan Enterprises has launched the Intaliq By GCME platform.

Created with the financial support of the European Union, in cooperation with the regional government of Casablanca-Settat, the OCP Foundation and the World Bank, this new digital platform, available in Arabic and French at “”, aims to help Moroccan project leaders and entrepreneurs to design, develop and manage their businesses. With this tool, the GCME aims to establish a single point of contact, where business leaders can access information, training, and guidance.

Intaliq by GCME will be supplemented by the establishment of “Entrepreneur Academies”. These entrepreneurial training institutes, with an emphasis on mentoring, will be established throughout Morocco.

For more information

Press release

Countries covered:

  • Morocco