Lebanon: Launching of the BAM Leb Touristic and Cultural Guide

March 22, 2023
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The BAM Leb mobile application, a new and innovative touristic and cultural guide to Lebanon, was launched.

This app, funded by the European Union and developed by Agenda Culturel, is interactive, personalised, and indispensable for both locals and tourists who want to explore everything Lebanon has to offer.

Ambassadors, artists, friends and Agenda Cultural readers were invited to attend the launch event at the Saleh Barakat Gallery in Beirut, where the stunning exhibition of Katya Traboulsi, ‘Rej3a ya Mama’, was the ideal setting for a discussion on culture and tourism in Lebanon.

A stimulating panel discussion followed on the importance of tools, such as the BAM Leb mobile app, for the development of local tourism. Ambassador of the European Union to Lebanon, Ralph Tarraf, explained why the European Union rallied behind this initiative. “Investing in Lebanon’s cultural and tourism sectors not only creates jobs and strengthens local economies, but also helps preserve the country’s diverse cultural heritage at a time of crisis”, he said.

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Countries covered:

  • Lebanon