The European Union Representative and the EU Heads of Mission in Jerusalem and Ramallah issue the following statement: The EU missions in Jerusalem and Ramallah express strong concern about the dismantling and confiscation by the Israeli authorities of a donor-funded women’s center and kindergarten serving the Bedouin and refugee community of Jabal al-Baba, located in Area C on the outskirts of Jerusalem, on 25 July.
In line with its long-standing position on this issue, and reiterating its strong opposition to Israel’s settlement policy and actions taken in this context, including demolitions and confiscations, evictions and forced transfers, which all threaten the two-state solution, the EU calls upon the Israeli authorities to halt demolitions and confiscations of Palestinian houses and property in accordance with its obligations as an occupying power under international humanitarian law, and to cease the policy of settlement construction and expansion, of designating land for exclusive Israeli use and of denying Palestinian development.
The EU missions in Jerusalem and Ramallah call on the Israeli authorities to rebuild the structure in the same place.
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