MED-InA in Tunisia: Beach Clean-Up Day and Final Event in La Marsa !

July 10, 2023
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Beach litter is unfortunately a widespread issue, especially easily accessible or urban beaches. La Marsa (Tunisia) is no exception, hence the organisation of a Clean-Up Day on Wednesday 12 July starting at 4 PM, by the municipality, addressed to citizens, associations and anyone willing to give a hand.


Though some may think this action is more symbolic than it is a permanent solution to this problem, nevertheless it serves a double purpose:

– Raising awareness about the extent of the problem and making participants realise the impact of each and every one of us, whether negative or positive depending on the behaviour adopted.

– Making participants feel part of a whole, of a collective effort, as an incentive to change their habits where needed, to continue or increase their daily efforts towards reducing their personal waste production.


This Clean-Up Day will involve residents of this pilot city that have committed to behavioural change for reducing and preventing domestic waste using the GD6D app, in the framework of project MED-InA.

For more information

Countries covered:

  • Tunisia