MEDREG Moroccan member sets usage tariffs for the national electricity transmission network

February 13, 2024
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MEDREG‘s partner ANRE’s Board has unanimously decided to set access and usage tariffs for the national electricity transmission network in Morocco for the regulatory period from 1st March 2024 to 28th February 2027. This decision is based on the approved tariff methodology of the 21st December 2022, as well as the analytical accounting data provided by the National Office of Electricity and Drinking Water (ONEE).


After an extensive two year marked by consultations with all sector stakeholders, ANRE has reached a decision to set the tariffs for the use of the national electricity transmission network (TURT) and system services (TSS). This decision also defines the authorized revenue for the National Transmission System Operator (TSO) under ONEE for the same period.


The tariffs utilize both the analytical accounting data from ONEE’s electricity transmission activity and data derived from a normative cost model developed by ANRE. This approach has enabled ANRE, in the absence of separate accounting for different ONEE activities, to ensure sufficient cost control leading to tariff reductions while supporting investments in developing the national electricity transmission network, ensuring security of supply, and enhancing the quality of the network operator’s services.

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Countries covered:

  • Morocco