The Sfax Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIS), partner of MEDSt@rts project, has set up a Microfinance Frontdesk. This office, managed by two promoters selected and trained under the project, started providing a start-up orientation service on Monday 10 August.
Its mission will be to guide young entrepreneurs towards the most appropriate financial solutions available and to provide them with support in the development stages of their project.
Thanks to the new Frontdesk, open at the Chamber’s headquarters, entrepreneurs can now get in touch with microfinance organizations, in order to develop their project ideas and contribute to job creation.
The main objective of ‘Med microfinance support system for start-ups'(MEDSt@rts) project is to design a common cross-border strategy in the beneficiary countries (Italy, Greece, Tunisia, Palestine, Lebanon) by providing access to credit for usually non-bankable people, developing an innovative model which can be easily replaced in different environments.
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