Memorandum of Understanding between CBF and AICS signed as part of the European Union’s ADAPT programme

October 10, 2024
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Tunis, 30 September 2024 – Tunisia’s Banking and Financial Council (CBF) and the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) today, aiming to strengthen cooperation relating to support in private investments in the sustainable agriculture, fisheries and aquaculture sectors in Tunisia, as part of the European Union’s ADAPT programme.


The main goal of this agreement is to favour collaboration between both parties to encourage private investments that are both eco-friendly and sustainable. Other goals include promoting sustainable financing opportunities in Tunisia through the ADAPT programme, steering financial institutions towards the programme’s tools and strengthening their capacity to evaluate and support investments that are in line with the principles of sustainability.


The partnership’s signing ceremony was attended by Mr Néji Ghandri, President of the CBF; Ms Sonia Sahli, General Delegate of the CBF; and Mr Andrea Senatori, Director of the AICS’s regional office in Tunis. The event followed an information and awareness-raising session dedicated to presenting ADAPT’s Invest Support Fund and discussing evaluation criteria for sustainable investment with financial institutions.


For his part, Andrea Senatori, Director of the AICS in Tunisia, has underlined that “This strategic partnership with Banking and Financial Council sets the stage for an important step in our common goal of promoting an ecological transition in Tunisia’s agriculture and fisheries sectors. Thanks to the use of innovative financial tools, we have strengthened our support for private investors while accompanying the country in establishing a sustainable development model. ”


This partnership opens the door to new synergies between the CBF and the AICS, with the goal of strengthening sustainable investment dynamics in Tunisia while encouraging innovation and the transition to a future with more respect for the environment.

Read in: Français

Countries covered:

  • Tunisia