In May 2021, MoreThanAJob project, launched a call for proposals for sub-grants to be awarded to the Social Solidarity Economy ‘SSE’ institutions and entities to support cooperation between Social and Solidarity Economy actors and Public Administration (PA) actors in Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, Greece and Italy to support social and labour inclusion of vulnerable groups, with an emphasis on creating jobs and supporting young people and women.
A high standard of 15 proposals was received from several institutions in Palestine, and after careful evaluation of all applications, MoreThanAJob team, announced the 2 winning projects in Palestine during a workshop titled“ Launching MoreThanAJob Sub-Grant Projects in Palestine”.
The workshop included the participation of the main (PA) actors and representatives from the Ministry of Social Development and the Ministry of Labor, and representatives from the Palestinian Fund for Employment and Social Protection for Workers and the Economic Empowerment Program.
MoreThanAJob project, funded by the European Union within the ENI CBC Med Programme, aims to enforce social inclusion of vulnerable and unemployed populations by applying best practices for more effective collaboration of the social and solidarity economy (SSE) actors with the public administration.
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