Morocco: EIB global supports waste management services in Chefchaouen

April 17, 2023
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The European Investment Bank (EIB) announced new technical assistance for the municipality of Chefchaouen to be provided by the City Climate Finance Gap Fund to improve organic waste management, treatment and recovery services. The technical and financial support will first involve assessing the composition of household waste to estimate its economic potential. A technically and financially viable plan can then be developed to minimise the amount of organic waste sent to landfill and to maximise its profitability for the municipality. Finally, proposals will be made to improve organisational aspects of services, covering public, private and community waste management.

In the past, the management of municipal solid waste in Morocco was limited to waste disposal, with relatively low levels of waste recovery. As part of the city’s new master plan, Chefchaouen hopes to improve waste management services through this support by making new investments, strengthening the skills of the local workforce, and introducing sorting at source.

This technical and financial support will help to achieve local and national environmental goals by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving residents’ and visitors’ quality of life. This is a pilot project, which means it could be replicated in other municipalities in Morocco and the region.

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Countries covered:

  • Morocco