PELAGOS, a new solution to increase the transnational activity in the Blue Energy of the Mediterranean

April 25, 2023
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The transmediterranean project PELAGOS (Promoting innovative nEtworks and cLusters for mArine renewable energy synerGies in cOasts and iSlands) is a pilot project funded under the Interreg-MED 2014-2020 program.

The main aim of the project is to establish a permanent Cluster of national HUBs in the Blue Energy (BE) sector of the MED area, where technical experiences are shared.

The overall objectives of PELAGOS project are to:

  • Design and build a Mediterranean Cluster on Marine Renewable Energy sector;
  • Accelerate the deployment of Key Enabling Technologies (offshore wind turbines, wave energy converters, osmotic systems, tidal current devices, ocean thermal energy conversion technologies) in growing market sectors (sustainable tourism, aquaculture, shipbuilding and repair, marine transport);
  • Promote the internationalization of the Cluster and its members;
  • Stimulate smart and sustainable growth in the Mediterranean.

To do so, PELAGOS has undertaken the following activities:

  1. bringing together all the actors of the Blue Energy value chain through specific support services (capacity building, networking, business growth) as well as via the on-line platform on Blue Energy;
  2. Implementation of pilot activities in each of the 7 regional HUBS and enhancement of the transnational cooperation between them through
  3. the development of the Mediterranean Blue Energy cluster.
For more information

Countries covered:

  • Algeria
  • Egypt
  • Israel
  • Jordan
  • Lebanon
  • Libya
  • Morocco
  • Palestine *
  • Syria *
  • Tunisia