RESMYLE: 13 winning projects to raise awareness on sustainable development among NEETS

July 12, 2021
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The international jury of the call for projects to raise awareness of sustainable development among young NEETs, launched by RESMYLE, announced the 13 winning projects.

Among the winners of the call, 9 projects from Jordan, Lebanon and Tunisia have been selected :


  • Northern Gate Charity & Qwailebeh Institute for Training and Empowering Youth, Participate, to disseminate and Collect to Win


  • Nokta Fasle, Youth for Better Sustainable Development
  • Lebanese Center for Water and Environment, Support Locals’ Knowledge to Apply Potential Measures for Sustainable Water Management in Kfarromman Village and its Agricultural Plain
  • Secours Populaire Libanais, Waste management campaign in Ansar


  • Association Sites et Monuments, Le chemin vers une réussite durable (The path to sustainable success)
  • Association El Gayth, IN-Power
  • Association des habitants d’El Mourouj 2, Eduquer pour un développement durable et encourager les métiers verts (Educating for sustainable development and encouraging green jobs)

The projects promoting sustainable development will receive from 4 000 to 8 000€ as grants in order to implement their activities among NEETS.

For more information

Press release

RESMYLE project fiche

Countries covered:

  • Jordan
  • Lebanon
  • Tunisia