SME4SMARTCITIES final conference sheds light on innovative solutions to make Mediterranean cities smarter

June 27, 2023
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The European project SME4SMARTCITIES organised its Final Conference in Malaga, Spain on 21 June 2023, after 4 years of hard work and the development of technological solutions. The solutions responded to urban challenges that participating cities from the Mediterranean Basin had.


This event marks the end of 4 years of activities focused on facilitating the access of Mediterranean SMEs to the Smart Cities market, fostering collaboration and understanding between them and those responsible for innovative public procurement to develop technological solutions that truly respond to the current urban challenges.


During the Final Conference, the main results of the project were announced. Amongst these we remind: an online course on smart cities that has more than 50 topics and interviews with experts in the sector, a web platform that pursues the development of a collaborative network around smart cities, guides that include channels and current trends in innovative public procurement, business missions organized between the project territories and a multitude of events carried out to support innovative and technological SMEs in the Mediterranean; as well as helping cities to be pioneers in innovation.


In addition, the event has counted with round tables that deal with the experience in the project regarding the co-creation of solutions to the urban challenges presented by the participating cities; being an opportunity to learn about other projects and initiatives closely related to SME4SMARTCITIES, some of them having as their objective precisely the capitalization of their results.

For more information

Countries covered:

  • Algeria
  • Egypt
  • Israel
  • Jordan
  • Lebanon
  • Libya
  • Morocco
  • Palestine *
  • Syria *
  • Tunisia