The European Commission (Directorate-General Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion of the European Commission, DG EMPL) organised the 5th Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) Social Dialogue Forum on 21-22 November 2023 in Marseille on behalf of the Union for the Mediterranean Co-Presidency.
The Forum, held every three years, gathered representatives from employers’ and workers’ organisations from UfM partner countries, Euro-Mediterranean Social Partner organisations, as well as representatives from the UfM Co-Presidency, the UfM Secretariat, the European Commission and other experts.
Since 2010, the UfM Social Dialogue Forum actively contributes to the development of a strong, independent and effective social dialogue, at the bi- and tripartite levels in the 43 UfM member countries.
The two-day event attracted around 80 participants and started with two parallel bilateral North-South sessions of the employer and worker organisations, followed by common sessions on: 1) Practice of social dialogue, 2) Green and digital transitions, 3) Active inclusion and effective social protection, 4) Economic migration and brain drain and 5) Regional Programming.