SouthMed CV launches call for proposals to support culture in Southern Mediterranean

September 14, 2016
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The EU-funded SouthMed CV project has launched the second call for proposals aimed at funding innovative, creative cultural and artistic projects from Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia. Projects focusing on the role of art and culture in social, educational and environmental contexts will be the main beneficiaries of the grants, especially projects having an impact on public space and strengthening the networking abilities and building capacities of cultural operators in the Southern Mediterranean.

Applications must be written in English and be submitted online no later than 24 October at 21:00 (GMT). The application form is available online at the following link:
The present call contains three lots. Applications under this call may be submitted in one of the following three:
– Lot 1: Projects contributing to strengthening the role of culture at local, national and regional level, in cooperation with other stakeholders in the public sphere (e.g. organisations active in the social, educational or environmental fields, youth and cultural centres, schools, universities, libraries, local authorities, etc.).
– Lot 2: Projects aiming to enhance the institutional and managerial capacities of cultural operators and artistic organisations, and promote their visibility and role in public space at local, national and regional level.
– Lot 3: Projects aiming to strengthen the networking capacities of the cultural sector at national and regional level in cooperation with other stakeholders (e.g. social, educational, environmental sectors).
Grants requested under this call must be submitted according to the following maximum
amounts per lot:
Lot 1: maximum 45 000 EUR
Lot 2: maximum 30 000 EUR
Lot 3: maximum 60 000 EUR
The indicative amount available for the 3 lots is 1 000 000.00 EUR.
The project shall take place between 1 February 2017 and 31 January 2018.
The project duration should be a minimum of 9 months and a maximum of 12 months.
Click here to download the call for proposals.
SouthMed CV is funded by the European Union within the framework of the regional Med Culture programme. It is designed to accompany partner countries in the South of the Mediterranean in the development and improvement of policies related to the cultural sector.
Med Culture is part of the regional programme “Media and culture for development in the Southern Mediterranean” which has been allocated a total budget of EUR 17 million over a four-year period, of which EUR 9 million is for the award of grants on a co-financing basis, and EUR 8 million for one capacity-development mechanism on media (Med Media) and one capacity development mechanism on culture (Med Culture).
Read more
SouthMed CV website
Med Culture website
Media and Culture for Development in the Southern Mediterranean Region Programme –project fiche

Countries covered:

  • Algeria
  • Egypt
  • Jordan
  • Lebanon
  • Morocco
  • Palestine *
  • Tunisia