Strategic orientation meeting: Women’s right agenda in Syria

June 13, 2023
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EuroMed Feminist Initiative held a strategic orientation meeting on women’s right agenda in Syria from the 8th – 9th of May 2023. Syrian experts discussed developments and actions envisioned for promoting women’s rights agenda.


The meeting highlighted the importance of women’s participation in all decision making processes at all levels, supporting equality between women and men in and through education, annulling legal discrimination and adopting comprehensive law on combating violence against women and girls (VAWG), supporting women´s economic participation and ensuring women´s participation and women´s rights on the peace negotiation and reconstruction agendas.
There were presentations and discussion for concrete actions using tools as the Common Agenda for combating violence against women and girls (VAWG), UNSCR 1325 and focus on development of a national action plan for its implementation and the upcoming handbook on engendering  social reconstruction for and in Syria.

For more information

Countries covered:

  • Syria *