Strengthening Capacities of Civil Society Organisations in the Southern Mediterranean: EU project to hold training in Tunis
September 23, 2016
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Civil society organisations (CSOs) from the Southern Mediterranean countries are invited to take part in a training on local Governance, communication skills and participatory approaches for policy development, to be organised by the EU-funded project Civil Society Facility South (CSF South) from 19 to 21 October in Tunis.
The workshop aims to mobilise CSOs to effectively engage in good local governance, enhance CSOs communication skills for effective outreach, support CSOs in transforming policy priorities into actions through participation tools and to share good practice and lessons learned across the region.
Applicants are requested to submit their application to: and copying the Team Leader at a.aldamrawy@csfsouth.orgby Friday 30 September, 2016 (2.00 pm, Tunis Time).
The Civil Society Facility South (CSF South) is an EU-funded regional programme launched in December 2012 with the aim of enhancing the effectiveness of EU cooperation with its Southern Mediterranean partners. It mainly aims at increasing the involvement of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and other non-state actors (NSAs) in sector policy dialogues at the level of partner countries by combining both national specificities and regional dynamics. (EU Neighbourhood Info)