Sun Med Festival: promoting new technologies to improve energy efficiency in buildings in the Mediterranean region

August 31, 2016
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The Sun Med Festival, the first Solar Energy festival, organised by the ‘Small scale thermal solar district units for Mediterranean communities’ (STS-Med) project, funded by the EU under the CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme, will be hosted by the city of Palermo from 26 September to 2 October 2016.

The aim of this event is to highlight the role of the Sun in the evolution of the Mediterranean civilizations and the opportunities it offers for an eco-friendly future in this area. It will feature more than 50 events including: meetings, workshops, hackathon, games, concerts and alternating workshops, talks and exhibits with some of the economy and innovation leaders.

The event will mark the end of the STS-Med project which was implemented to promote the adoption of new technologies to improve energy efficiency in public and private buildings of the Mediterranean area. The project implemented four demonstration plants based on solar concentration in ItalyCyprus, Jordan and Egypt. The plan constructed inside the University Campus of Palermo will be inaugurated during the course of the Festival.

The ENPI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme 2007/2013 is a multilateral cross-border cooperation programme funded by the European Union under the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument. It aims at reinforcing cooperation between the EU and partner countries’ regions located along the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. (EU Neighbourhood Info
Read more
Sun Med Festival website
STS-Med fact sheet
STS-Med website

ENPI CBCMED – website
Cross-border cooperation – fiche