SwitchMed Connect 2016: Bringing together Mediterranean actors of sustainable consumption and production

April 27, 2016
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The EU-funded SwitchMed project will be holding the second edition of its annual gathering SwitchMed Connect on 18–20 October 2016 in Barcelona, bringing together leading start-ups and entrepreneurs, industry agents, initiatives, change agents, policy and financial institutions working on applications of productive, circular and sharing economies in the Mediterranean.
The event will give participants the opportunity to share stories, expertise and experience on eco and social innovations, exchange in interactive sessions and find synergies.
Launched in October 2015, SwitchMed Connect is home to a growing community of passionate individuals from the Mediterranean Region who are committed to shift toward sustainable consumption and production in Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia.
The SWITCH-MED sustainable consumption and production programme aims to promote a switch of the Mediterranean economies towards sustainable consumption and production patterns and green economy, including low emission development, through demonstration and dissemination of methods that improve resource and energy efficiency. It also seeks to minimise the environmental impacts associated to the life cycle of products and services, and, as opportune, to promote renewable energy. (EU Neighbourhood Info)
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