SwitchMed’s Green Entrepreneurship programme takes part in European Forest Institute’s Mediterranean event

November 8, 2016
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The EU-funded SwitchMed programme will present today its Green Entrepreneurship programme to the participants of the yearly event ‘EFIMED WEEK’ organised by The Mediterranean Regional Office of the European Forest Institute (EFIMED).
This year’s event is titled ‘Smart Mediterranean Forestry, bioeconomy and social integration’ and is taking place in Popilia resort in Calabria, southern Italy.
SwitchMed’s participation to the session “From knowledge to Action: Making innovation happen” will be an opportunity to share with the audience how supporting Green Entrepreneurship and Eco-Innovation in the Mediterranean would benefit Mediterranean forests and facilitate the shift towards a more circular economy and sustainable living.
For more information about the programme of the event please click here.
The SwitchMed sustainable consumption and production programme aims to promote a switch by the Mediterranean economies towards sustainable consumption and production patterns and green economy, including low-emission development, through demonstration and dissemination of methods that improve resource and energy efficiency. It also seeks to minimise the environmental impacts associated with the life cycle of products and services and, where possible, to promote renewable energy. (EU Neighbourhood Info)
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