The European Commission and Tunisia to establish a stronger partnership on migration

May 3, 2023
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The European Commissioner for Home Affairs – Ylva Johansson – travelled to Tunisia.


This visit is part of the EU and its Member States’ broader political engagement with Tunisia and falls under the strategic partnership between the EU and Tunisia. The EU is one of Tunisia’s major partners and it continues to support the country.


The visit highlights in particular the importance of the migration partnership between Tunisia and the EU and the willingness for such partnership to be deepened in cooperation with the EU Member States, in a ‘Team Europe’ spirit. On this occasion, Tunisia and the European Commission have expressed the willingness to establish a stronger operational partnership on anti-smuggling, including in particular: (a) support for the protection of maritime borders and Tunisia’s southern borders, (b) enhanced police and judicial cooperation, (c) enhanced operational cooperation with relevant EU agencies such as Eurojust and Europol (in this context, the relevant Tunisian authorities and Europol will work towards finalising negotiations with a view to signing a working arrangement) and (d) awareness-raising on the dangers of irregular migration, with EU-funded information campaigns to be launched in May and June.


Experts from both sides will lay down the details of this partnership, which will enable more effective action against irregular migration.


The Commission has acknowledged the efforts made by Tunisia in this area; it has expressed its solidarity and indicated that the European side is ready to provide significant support in order to consolidate Tunisia’s capabilities in response to the resurgence of a phenomenon which needs to be perceived in its entirety and from a multidimensional point of view.


The two sides have agreed to strengthen their cooperation on protection and on return of irregular migrants in Tunisia to their countries of origin, with increased EU support for voluntary return and reintegration to countries of origin, in full respect for human rights and human dignity.

For more information

Countries covered:

  • Tunisia