The Green Hydrogen Cluster of Morocco: Vision and Ambitions of a Regional Leader

September 18, 2024
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Established in 2021, Morocco’s Green Hydrogen Cluster aims to revolutionise the country’s green hydrogen sector. Mourad Hajjaji, its Director General, reveals how the cluster, supported by the EU-funded MED-GEM network, envisions the future of this clean energy and the opportunities it holds for Morocco.

Since its inception in 2021, the Green Hydrogen Cluster in Morocco has been dedicated to energising the country’s green hydrogen industry. Mourad Hajjaji, the cluster’s Director General, explains: “Our goal is to support the entire green hydrogen value chain, from collaborative research to industrial integration. We aim to maximise local impact while enhancing technical and industrial capacities.”

One of the major challenges for Morocco is the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) established by the European Union. For Hajjaji, this mechanism is seen as a chance rather than a barrier: “CBAM is an opportunity for Morocco. It allows us to decarbonize our industry while avoiding export taxes. This approach supports both our environment and our economy.”


The Green Hydrogen Cluster plays a crucial role as a bridge between the public and private sectors. Hajjaji states: “We act as a collaborative platform between industry and public authorities. This facilitates discussion and aligns policies with industry needs. When regulatory adjustments are needed, we ensure that the private sector is well-represented.”


The cluster’s participation in the MED-GEM network has been pivotal for exchanging best practices. Hajjaji comments: “This platform has allowed us to share experiences with other countries and with the European Commission. We have been able to present our observations on European regulations and receive valuable feedback to refine our strategies.”


The Green Hydrogen Cluster’s involvement in international studies has also provided valuable insights. Hajjaji notes: “The results from the MED-GEM survey offer a valuable roadmap for the future. They help in developing action plans tailored to local realities and European requirements, creating a framework for beneficial cooperation among all stakeholders.”

Countries covered:

  • Morocco