Unlocking Skills for Everyone, Everywhere

November 5, 2024
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The European Training Foundation (ETF) launches the Skills4All, a two-month initiative to promote the importance of skills development and lifelong learning for everyone, regardless of age, background, or location.



As the world transforms around us, developing the right skills has never been more vital — not only to stay competitive in the job market but also to adapt to new challenges in our personal and professional lives. With our focus on Skills4All, the ETF aims to raise awareness and encourage people everywhere to invest in their skills, promoting a culture of continuing learning across Europe and beyond.



Why Skills4All matters



Developing new skills or improving existing ones isn’t just about getting a job—it’s about being prepared for the future. As the world shifts towards digital and green economies, the demand for specialised knowledge and skills in these areas continues to grow. Lifelong learning allows individuals to stay relevant, expand their horizons, and contribute to a sustainable and resilient society.



Skills4All will highlight the importance of making skills development accessible to everyone and ensuring that the learning opportunities are open and inclusive.

Countries covered:

  • Algeria
  • Egypt
  • Israel
  • Jordan
  • Lebanon
  • Libya
  • Morocco
  • Palestine *
  • Syria *
  • Tunisia