Her Excellency Prof. Manar Fayyad, President of the German Jordanian University and Dr. Ayman Maqableh, the Dean of Luminus Technical University College, signed the agreement of EDU-SYRIA/edu-jordan scholarship programme, funded by the European Union, to support 310 vulnerable Jordanians and Syrian refugees.
The fully funded scholarships are granted to students to obtain the British Diploma, as well as to support 250 vulnerable Jordanians and Syrian refugees to enrol in the training diploma programs in the technical fields that are most required in the labour market. In addition, the Project will provide financial support for the establishment of 40 pioneering projects in the Luminus Business Incubator, Luminus ShamalStart.
This agreement comes within the project “Supporting Higher Education for the Disadvantaged Syrian Refugees and Young Jordanians – EDU-SYRIA III” funded by the European Union through the European Union Regional Trust Fund to Respond to the Syria Crisis, the “Madad” Fund. This Fund will provide young people with the opportunity to pursue higher education (Bachelor’s and masters), vocational education and technical training, in addition to teacher training, entrepreneurship, job-oriented courses and summer programs for high school students.
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