At the time climate change is shaking up our society and complex challenges arise with managing scarce natural resources, FEMISE (the Euro-Mediterranean Forum of Institutes of Economic Sciences) and six other partners- the Royal Scientific Society in Jordan, the Tunisian Environmental Protection Agency, the Greek Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Savings, the Egyptian Centre for Innovation and Technological Development, University of Catania in Italy and the Autonomous University of Barcelona in Spain- have launched the WEF-CAP project.
To better streamline this knowledge, the project created a digital repository called WEF-CAP Observatory platform which is considered a regional leading informative site, that enable experts, researchers and policy-makers to share, diffuse and transfer knowledge of the WEF Nexus capitalization and generate technical insights on best methodologies, practices of water, energy and food integration. This open source hub includes a network of stakeholders to promote the use of existing data, case studies and good practices to support decision-making and the formulation of evidence-based policies.
Within this context, FEMISE conducted a series of interviews with key players from the region, including practitioners, policy makers, private sector and academia to promote the WEF integrated approach under the framework of the WEF-CAP project with the financial support of the European Union through the ENI CBC MED Programme, with the aim to share knowledge, experiences and best practices across the region, highlight challenges and recommendations.