WES Information Bulletin on the National activity in Algeria

January 15, 2024
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From June 2020 to December 2023, the “Water and Environment Support (WES) in the ENI Southern Neighbourhood region” implemented a national project in Algeria “Make an analysis of Non-Revenue Water (NRW) performance in a pilot public utility and develop a plan for NRW improvements focusing on minimum cost interventions with rapid return on investment”, at the request of the Algerian government.


Despite Algeria’s national policy to combat leakage and excessive water use, there has been enormous wastage of drinking water locally. The “Algérienne Des Eaux” (ADE) estimates average water losses between production and billing at 55%.


The specific objectives of this activity were:
➢ Assess the current situation of the network and analyse available data in the selected water utility’s
pilot area;
➢ Implement the sectorised metering zone (JSA) (delimitation of the sector) pilots and evaluate the
NRW reference rate, apparent and physical losses and introduce a water evaluation procedure.
➢ Develop a wide range of rapid, cost-effective interventions in a JSA.
➢ Strengthen the selected public service’s capacity through direct participation in the implementation
of tasks.

For more information

Countries covered:

  • Algeria