With a view to fostering a more effective conservation of these crucial habitats, the UfM supports the “Wetland-Based Solutions project”, promoted by MedWet. Through the protection and restoration of key wetlands, the project proposes coastal wetlands as key assets for nature-based solutions’ implementation to counteract anthropogenic impacts, and in particular, climate change.
The Wetland-Based Solutions is a collaboration between 30 wetland expert partners from 10 countries, with the funding and support of the MAVA Foundation. They have come together and built a ground-breaking initiative to save, restore and manage outstanding nature-based Solutions in the Mediterranean coast, for the benefits of people, their wellbeing, and wildlife, where one third of the Mediterranean populations live.
The concept “Nature-based Solutions” consist in promoting the use of natural ecosystems through conservation or restoration interventions to address global societal challenges, such as climate change, natural disasters risk reduction (floods, avalanches, or fires), food and water supply, energy security, or even the issues of urban growth. They are real-world applications that demonstrate the benefits of nature and healthy ecosystems, providing a tangible return on investment and making a substantial contribution to human wellbeing.
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