6-months volunteering opportunity in Bulgaria, European Solidarity Corps

Opportunity type : Competitions
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EcoUnity: Building a Sustainable Future Together

• To build the skills of the participating volunteers in line with the 8 Key Competences of Youthpass

• To use and promote non-formal educational methods as a valuable asset to the formal curricula (through working with young people aged 14-30 on the local level)

• To promote environmental sustainability and green practices among the local community in Bulgaria

• To encourage social inclusion, tolerance, respect for diversity and non-discrimination, integration of young people facing difficulties (both volunteers and local youth)

• To encourage young people’s sense of initiative and raise awareness about the positive contribution that they can make through their participation in society

• To reinforce a more inclusive society and cooperation with schools, universities, other organizations, etc.

• To create tangible positive changes in the local environment through improving and developing poorly maintained public spaces

• To address important issues related to digitalization and the digital transformation, through working with young people on topics connected to digital resilience and mindful use of digital media

Countries covered:

  • Algeria
  • Egypt
  • Jordan
  • Lebanon
  • Libya
  • Morocco
  • Palestine *
  • Tunisia