ALFinMOTION – Mobility Programme – Seventh Edition

Opportunity type : Calls for Proposals
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ALFinMotion unites Intercultural Dialogue leaders and empowers civil society entities to tackle pressing challenges. The ALFinMotion programme financially supports representatives from across the Mediterranean, promoting face-to-face collaboration and interdisciplinary solutions.

In this programme, we introduce four distinct modalities (PACK).

Mobility For Partnership: For entities in the process of developing project proposals and are actively seeking international partners for collaboration or creating a consortium and are looking to engage in joint brainstorming exercises and more.

Mobility For Action: For entities participating in face-to-face intercultural dialogue events like workshops, debates, trainings, intercultural performances, etc. and are interested in enriching these events by inviting external parties from different organisations around the Mediterranean.

Mobility For Creativity: For artistic and creative outlets willing to host creative individuals or artists, allowing them to step out of their everyday practices and explore new horizons. Participants in this modality can bring their creative initiatives to life, experiment with new ideas, and collaborate with like-minded peers.

Mobility For Knowledge: For entities partnering with other peers or academic institutions to create knowledge products related to intercultural dialogue. It’s an opportunity to co-produce cross-sectoral knowledge in the Euro-Med region.

Apply here for Mobility for Partnership

Apply here for Mobility for Action

Apply here for Mobility for Creativity

Apply here for Mobility for Knowledge

Who can apply?

Applications must be submitted by the organisation (host organisation) that will receive the representative(s) of another organisation(s) (sending organisation) for a joint face to face intercultural dialogue activity. The host organisation can get financial support to receive one or two civil society representative(s). The organisations can be ALF Network member(s) or non-member(s). If an applicant is not a member, it is strongly recommended to apply for ALF membership by the deadline of this call. The activity must take place in the country where the host organisation (applicant) is based in.

The applications must involve at least two different organisations (host and sending organisations) each from complementary shores of the Mediterranean*. If the applicant (host organisation) intends to collaborate with two sending organisations, these, in addition to being both from the complementary shore of the Mediterranean, must be based in different countries.

Only for the Creativity Modality the host organisation can also apply to receive individuals that are not representing an organisation. In that case, the individuals also have to be from different countries.

In very exceptional cases, the Foundation can grant collaborations between entities from the same shore of the Mediterranean, if the consistency and the added value of such proposals of collaboration are clearly and extensively justified.

Please note: The organisations have to be legal persons, registered in one of the 43 Euro-Med Partnership countries. In case of Creativity Modality applications, the individuals mobilised have to be nationals of one of the 43 Euro-Med Partnership countries.

Countries covered:

  • Algeria
  • Egypt
  • Israel
  • Jordan
  • Lebanon
  • Morocco
  • Palestine *
  • Syria *
  • Tunisia