Apply now for “The Confusion of Inclusion” training course in Ireland

Opportunity type : Training
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The idea of the training is:

To explore how professionals from the youth field directly working with young people with fewer opportunities can promote inclusion within their practice. We will share non-formal tools that allow participants to promote social inclusion with young people with fewer opportunities. There will be an introduction to non-formal learning tools that can be used by youth workers committed to fostering a culture that embraces the values of diversity and inclusiveness within their communities and their target groups.

On completion of this training, participants will gain a toolbox for promoting social inclusion within their scope of work and influence. Participants will gain an understanding and knowledge of the “7 Pillars of Inclusion” and get equipped with tools to transmit this model into their everyday work. Participants will gain an understanding of inclusive youth work within Europe and specifically in Ireland by attending interactive workshops, platforms for dialogue and questions, study visits and meetings with key representatives from the youth sector active in Irish society. Allowing participants to explore how inclusion is promoted within these services.


  • 1-5 June 2020
  • Dublin, Ireland

Countries covered:

  • Algeria
  • Egypt
  • Israel
  • Jordan
  • Lebanon
  • Libya
  • Morocco
  • Palestine *
  • Syria *
  • Tunisia