Call for expression of interest: Director / Head of Department, IEMED

Opportunity type : Job Opportunities
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The European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed), acting as the secretariat of the EuroMeSCo network, is looking for a Director /Head of Department.

In close collaboration with the Executive President and the Managing Director of the IEMed, the specific tasks of the position are:

Leadership, Strategic Planning and Department Management

a) Foster and manage Department activities: put forward initiatives, programmes and actions to be implemented by the organisation.

b) Advise, monitor and analyse issues relating to the Mediterranean policy agenda and relations with the European Union, and on topics such as security, climate change, socio-economic issues, and migration.

c) Conceptualise, organise, manage, and monitor programmes and projects and ensure the achievement of the Department’s objectives and quality control. Prepare reports (including reporting to external donors), disseminate and evaluate events and publications, produce analyses, studies and proposals relating to the Department’s key themes, namely policy and security cooperation, climate change, migration, and socio-economic issues in the Euro-Mediterranean region.

d) The selected candidate will be responsible for the effective and efficient management of the Department’s budget and resources, overseeing the implementation of activities and subcontracted services, as well as supervising and coordinating the administrative, budgetary and payment processes of the Department.

e) Manage, coordinate and supervise the work of the Department’s team, providing support, knowledge and guidance, ensuring a fluid organisation of the tasks within the Department and fostering teamwork in an interdisciplinary and intercultural manner. Coordination and liaison with experts/teams of experts including research fellows collaborating with the Department.

Representation, liaison and coordination of networks

f) Represent the IEMed before other institutions or individuals, as well as in events related to the Department’s fields of work and establish channels of collaboration with public and private institutions.

g) Promote the presence of the IEMed in the international sphere (publication of articles in European journals, participation in events abroad, etc.).

h) Collaborate with governments, regional institutions and specialised institutions, networks of experts, and university networks in the Euro-Mediterranean region; Oversee the governance and activities related to the networks coordinated by the Department, along with their activities, such as the EuroMeSCo network, MedThink 5+5, and Euro-Mediterranean Guarantee Network (EMGN), among others, to help them prosper and improve.

i) Supervise the organisation of international events in Barcelona and abroad (conferences, seminars, courses, meetings, study visits, etc.), including contributing to the conceptualisation and overseeing logistics related to the events.

Fundraising and Partnerships

j) Formulate, design and draft projects with European and international partners within the field of responsibility of the Department and search for financial and/or technical resources from external donors. Manage and monitor the projects and contracts of the European Commission and of any other project with internal or external funding entrusted to the Department.

k) Other duties as assigned.

Countries covered:

  • Algeria
  • Egypt
  • Israel
  • Jordan
  • Lebanon
  • Libya
  • Morocco
  • Palestine *
  • Syria *
  • Tunisia