Call for Proposals: EU4Lebanon – Inclusive Services for Social Actions

Opportunity type : Calls for Proposals
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The Italian Agency for Development Cooperation has launched a call for proposals to improve the living conditions and the resilience of refugees displaced by the Syrian crisis and vulnerable hosting communities in Lebanon.

EU 4 Lebanon – Inclusive Services for Social Actions – ELISSA is an action funded by the European Union and implemented by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation. Its main aim is to improve the living conditions and the resilience of refugees displaced by the Syrian crisis and vulnerable hosting communities in Lebanon by strengthening access to inclusive social services and increasing livelihood opportunities.

ELISSA is conceived in the framework of a long-term partnership and a shared strategy developed between the Italian Cooperation and the Ministry of Social Affairs (MoSA), and specifically it was designed as a scale-up and expansion of the action called Integrated Social Services Provision to Lebanese and Syrian Refugees communities in Lebanon – ISOSEP which is currently implemented by AICS.


Countries covered:

  • Lebanon